
Alam tara kaifa surah transliteration in english
Alam tara kaifa surah transliteration in english

When was surah al feel revealed?Īs we mentioned above sura feel was revealed in Makkah, and after studying the form of surat alfil we will identify that its structure resembles the structure and form of most Mecci surahs as those kinds of surahs are usually short with relative short verses (Ayat), and usually come near the end of the order of the 114 surahs of the Quran arrangement to be the 105th surah in placement and at the same time the 19th according to the order of revelation. Surat feel was revealed in Makkah and the Meccan surahs are older suras in terms of chronology (which means the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence) these types of surahs were revealed to Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in Makkah before he migrated to Madina. Surah Feel reading surah feel reading Where was Surah Feel revealed?

alam tara kaifa surah transliteration in english

In the middle of this valley, suddenly it was raided by countless flocks of birds, throwing that army with tiny small burning stones dissolving the flesh of every soldier and bursting him into pieces.Īnd this was the end of the enemy who tried to declare war against Allah and this was how Allah protects his sacred place the Kabba. When this army approached Makka, the Chief of Makkah ( Abd Al Muttalib Ibn Hashim, the grandfather of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), Abd Al Muttalib ordered the people of Makkah to evacuate the city.Īfter the city had been evacuated, the army moved towards Makkah until they reached a valley called Muhasir. This enraged Abraha so he launched an invasion by thirteen huge elephants in his army to destroy Kabba.

alam tara kaifa surah transliteration in english alam tara kaifa surah transliteration in english

He built a unique awesome Church but what happened was that a man from the Quraish Tribe which was the tribe of Prophet Muhammed ( PBUH )” came to it and became angry at faking a copy of Kabba, so he urinated and pooped on it and its walls became dirty. Abraha thought of building a place (like the Kaaba in Makkah ) in Sanaa (the capital of Yemen) to attract the Arabs to perform the pilgrimage there. “ Abraha al Ashram” was the ruler of Yemen on behalf of the King of Ethiopia. Surah Al feel is introducing the incidents of the Elephant Army invasion of Makkah that occurred during the year of birth of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). A warning, applicable for the individual self and every human being.What Is The Message Of Surah Feel? The main message of surah feel (Arabic : سورة الفيل ) is that Allah The Almighty is informing the infidels and the disbelievers of Makkah that he destroyed his enemies led by Abraha (The Ethiopian governor who was ruling Yemen in that era) before when he and his people tried to destroy the Kaaba (A cubic building in the center of Allah’s sacred place inside the most sacred mosque in Makkah “ Bayt Allah Al-Haram ”), and he is capable of destroying them as well if they try to harm his Messenger and Prophet Muhammed (Peace and Blessings of Allah Upon him) and his Muslim followers and companions (May Allah be pleased with them). This bayaan was given 30 years ago, and still, today too in 2011 we see the fall of tyrants, and will keep seeing, how this Sura is alive and will be till the end of Time. Very few could discourse on this Sura other than from a Historical perspective but then the Quraan is for all time, then, now and in future.This Sura describes what happened in the year before Rasool e Akram Sallallahu Alai wa Sallam was born.

alam tara kaifa surah transliteration in english

Alam tara kayfa faAAala rabbuka biashabi alfeeliĪnother Sura which Mazhar Ali Khan loved to explain again and again. Then did He make them like an empty field of stalks and straw, has been eaten up.ġ. Striking them with stones of baked clay.ĥ. And He sent against them Flights of Birds,Ĥ. Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray?ģ. Seest thou not how thy Lord dealt with the Companions of the Elephant?Ģ.

Alam tara kaifa surah transliteration in english