This app helps users to track their diet as well as getting a graph of their diet evolution. As a result, tracking macros means you’re automatically tracking calorie intake. Nowadays, apps designed for macro tracking are being developed like My Macros+. For the rest of us, it means going out and buying a scale, taking the time to do the measurements and calculations, and perhaps most imposing of all, setting aside the mental bandwidth to actually care about the results. Bodybuilders and physique competitors have mastered this art and have no qualms about whipping out their food scale at any given moment. According to , " To macro" means tracking the number of grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you consume on a particular day. To be able to be fit, one technique is to " Macro". This includes being able to improve mood, looks, sex drive, immune system, protecting you from heart diseases, improving circulatory system, deepening your voice, and a lot more. There are a lot of benefits to being fit. In tests, it was found that the concentration and memory of those who did regular exercise was improved. Did you know that being fit improves your IQ? According to, being fit improves your IQ, though the mechanisms are unknown, this has to do with the cardiovascular and the increased oxygen getting to your brain, as well as using more of your brain for your movement and coordination (the motor cortex) and the increase of certain hormones released in your brain including dopamine and neurotransmitters.