
Percentage to fraction converter calculator
Percentage to fraction converter calculator

percentage to fraction converter calculator

This method will allow you to answer the question of how to find a percentage of two numbers. All you need to do is fill in two fields, and the third one will be calculated for you automatically. We can multiply 4 by 20 and 5 by 20 to find our equivalent fraction in one step.This percentage calculator is a tool that lets you do a simple calculation: what percent of X is Y? The tool is pretty straightforward. We turn this fraction into a percentage without a calculator in one step. We can see that if we did this in one step, we still get the same answer. We can now multiply 10 by 10 to make it equal 100. We multiply 5 by 2 and so we multiply 4 by 2. You may not know how many times 5 goes into 100 and so, we can just make it equal 10 for now. The first step to turn this fraction into a percentage is to make the number on the bottom equal to 100 by multiplying it. Sometimes it is not so obvious how to make a fraction out of 100. So far we have been able to convert fractions into percentages without a calculator because we could use our times tables to make fractions out of 100. We multiply the numerator and the denominator both by 10 to find an equivalent fraction out of 100. In this example of turning fractions into percentages, we have 3 / 10. Multiplying the numerator by 5, we get 35. Ģ0 goes into 100 five times and so, we multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by 5. The fraction 11 / 25 is equivalent to 44 / 100. Because we multiplied the bottom by 4, we will multiply the top by 4 too.

percentage to fraction converter calculator

The next step is to multiply the number on the top of the fraction by the same amount. Remember that we need our fraction to be out of 100, not 25.Ģ5 goes into 100 four times and so, we multiply by 4. The first step is to multiply the number on the bottom so that it equals 100. Here is another example of writing 11 out of 25 as a percentage without a calculator. The fraction 8 / 50 written as a percentage is 16%. We take the numerator of 16 and put a percentage sign after it. We can write 16 / 100 more easily at 16%. Now that our fraction is our of 100, it is a percentage.Ī percentage is just a fraction out of 100. We say that these fractions are equivalent. Ĩ / 50 is exactly the same amount as 16 / 100. When finding equivalent fractions, we need to multiply the numbers on top and bottom by the same amount.īecause we multiplied 50 by 2, we need to multiply 8 by 2 as well.Ĩ × 2 = 16 and so our fraction is now 16 / 100. We need to figure out how many times 50 divides into 100.ĥ0 × 2 = 100 and so, we multiply the denominator by 2. We need to multiply the 50 to make it 100. The first step is to write it as an equivalent fraction out of 100. We can see that it is out of 50, not out of 100. We will now look at examples of writing a fraction as a percentage without a calculator, where the fraction is not out of 100. We simply take the numerator on top of the fraction, which is 12, and write a percentage sign after it.

percentage to fraction converter calculator

If the fraction is already out of 100, then we simply write the numerator with a percentage sign after it.įor example, the fraction of 12 / 100 is already out of 100. Take this new numerator and write a % sign after it.Multiply the numerator (top) of the fraction by the same number.Multiply the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by a number to make the denominator equal 100.To convert fractions to percentages without a calculator, use the following steps: How to Convert a Fraction to a Percentage without a Calculator We can replace the word ‘percent’ with the words ‘out of 100’. The % sign can be thought of as meaning ‘out of 100’. The percent symbol, ‘%’ is often used instead of writing / 100. This can also be written as a fraction as 33 / 100. In our minds, we can replace the word ‘percent’ with the words ‘out of 100’.įor example, 33% just means 33 out of 100. The ‘per’ means ‘out of’ and the ‘cent’ means ‘100’. The word ‘percent’ is made up of two parts. The % symbol is a short way to write ‘out of 100’ as a fraction. We can write the number as a fraction out of 100 or we can use the % symbol.

Percentage to fraction converter calculator